Monday, December 21, 2009

Lasers have a lot of uses and most of them are useful. However, lasers can also be fun

Lasers are very much the stuff that science fiction is made of. So many stories have lasers used as weapons. And it is no wonder that lasers fascinate those who write and read the stories. They are fascinating because they can actually perform functions such as cut through things, depending on how powerful they are. Lasers can be used for anything from surgery to simply using them as a pointer for presentations. Some functions require a more powerful laser. For example, lasers used to point at things during presentations will not be as powerful as those used for surgery.

Learning about lasers can be fascinating and most beginning physics classes end up covering. Basically, they are a concentration of light in a small space and this allows for it to perform the functions it is designed to perform. If you would like to know more about lasers, there are plenty of resources available. You can go to the library, ask someone knowledgeable, or look on the internet. Beware of finding information on the internet, though. There are some great websites out there filled with accurate knowledge. However, there are also sites that have knowledge that is incorrect. Make sure you visit one of the sites that have a good reputation so you are sure to find information about lasers that is beneficial and accurate.

Lasers have a lot of uses and most of them are useful. However, lasers can also be fun. For example, cats seem to love chasing the light that gets projected from lasers. These “toys” are inexpensive and are usually used for presentations and to point at things. It makes cats crazy because they chase something that seems like it is there, but really it is just light so it is nothing they can actually catch. There is also a game called “laser tag” that is played where people shoot at each other with laser guns. Everyone where’s a uniform with sensors on it and when one person gets “shot” they are out of the game. These laser tag games are competitive and serious and also require the best lasers.

When it comes to lasers, they vary in terms of function and how strong they are. Some are used for fun, such as those that are used in laser tag and the laser pens that often become cat toys. Other lasers are for more serious purposes, such as surgery.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Education Options Available Online By James Brown

James Brown

There are no excuses left for people to use to explain why an advanced education portal was not pursued. People have many options open to pursue a college degree and nobody can say that the online education options will not fit into any life plan. People are getting college degrees in town, at home and while at friends houses and very few have to attend classes in land-based university buildings or on any type of college campus. Online education options allow students to pursue a college degree from any location in the world.

The online education links can help people earn a degree in criminal justice, medicine, nursing, or business. All degree programs are available through internet classrooms, and people are taking advantage of the convenience of internet connections at home to attain associates, bachelor's, and Masters credentialed diplomas, and others have pursued Doctoral degrees from the comforts of home. People are able to complete these degrees in record time because online education pursuits can be tailored to fit any timeline.

Online education options qualify for financial aid programs and college grants can be gained to attend an online university degree program. People find online education options by using internet search engines and the amount of online degrees available will startle many students because the degree programs are numerous. Students are encouraged to complete degrees in less time and get an early start on a successful life in business and finance.

Trained professionals are needed in many areas of industry and applications can be submitted for positions that will earn high pay after a diploma has been granted. People can find these lucrative positions available through internet search engines too and the monthly payments for internet service will begin to be worth more than a few bucks each month. People can use the online education options to determine which college degree program to pursue based on location or the Ivy League name that is associated with the school.

Professional people are pursing college degrees online because the online education options allow them to attend classes after working hours. Some tests might need to be administered at a local college to fulfill lab requirements, but all others can be completed online at a pace that is comfortable for the student to absorb the knowledge contained in the teaching materials. Self-paced study programs are one of the online education options that people enjoy most because fast learning students can spend less time in college.

People can attend a two-year degree program at a technical university and still have online education option available that can be used to accrue credits needs for a bachelor's degree. Students can learn the technical side of their professional specialty in a classroom, and leave the online education options open to complete the mundane course requirements such as completing mathematics courses and those that deal with science or English.

Hands-on training in land-based schools will provide online students with the practical experience needed to complete online classes. The online education options will allow homemakers to return to the classroom to finish a degree program that was started before children were born. Daycare expenses will not be a factor because Mothers will still be at home with the children while they are attending online education classes.


Education Options Available Online By James Brown

James Brown

There are no excuses left for people to use to explain why an advanced education portal was not pursued. People have many options open to pursue a college degree and nobody can say that the online education options will not fit into any life plan. People are getting college degrees in town, at home and while at friends houses and very few have to attend classes in land-based university buildings or on any type of college campus. Online education options allow students to pursue a college degree from any location in the world.

The online education links can help people earn a degree in criminal justice, medicine, nursing, or business. All degree programs are available through internet classrooms, and people are taking advantage of the convenience of internet connections at home to attain associates, bachelor's, and Masters credentialed diplomas, and others have pursued Doctoral degrees from the comforts of home. People are able to complete these degrees in record time because online education pursuits can be tailored to fit any timeline.

Online education options qualify for financial aid programs and college grants can be gained to attend an online university degree program. People find online education options by using internet search engines and the amount of online degrees available will startle many students because the degree programs are numerous. Students are encouraged to complete degrees in less time and get an early start on a successful life in business and finance.

Trained professionals are needed in many areas of industry and applications can be submitted for positions that will earn high pay after a diploma has been granted. People can find these lucrative positions available through internet search engines too and the monthly payments for internet service will begin to be worth more than a few bucks each month. People can use the online education options to determine which college degree program to pursue based on location or the Ivy League name that is associated with the school.

Professional people are pursing college degrees online because the online education options allow them to attend classes after working hours. Some tests might need to be administered at a local college to fulfill lab requirements, but all others can be completed online at a pace that is comfortable for the student to absorb the knowledge contained in the teaching materials. Self-paced study programs are one of the online education options that people enjoy most because fast learning students can spend less time in college.

People can attend a two-year degree program at a technical university and still have online education option available that can be used to accrue credits needs for a bachelor's degree. Students can learn the technical side of their professional specialty in a classroom, and leave the online education options open to complete the mundane course requirements such as completing mathematics courses and those that deal with science or English.

Hands-on training in land-based schools will provide online students with the practical experience needed to complete online classes. The online education options will allow homemakers to return to the classroom to finish a degree program that was started before children were born. Daycare expenses will not be a factor because Mothers will still be at home with the children while they are attending online education classes.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What Is Entropy About? By Rudolph Draaisma

Rudolph Draaisma

Some say entropy is a measure for chaos (disorder) and others that it is a measure for the dispersion of energy. It was originally coined by Rudolph Clausius in the 1850-ies. There are several ways to formulate the Second Law and though very different from each other, they are all considered to be equivalent - if one is wrong, all the others are wrong also. A popular, but wrong formulation says that heat cannot flow spontaneously from a colder to a warmer region.

However, when you are in the tropics, where the air temperature can become above body temperature, your sweating skin cools your body, by which heat flows spontaneously from your cooler body to the warmer environment. In 'technology' this effect has been known and practiced since thousands of years, by keeping water cool in jars of porous material. Some of the water exudes (sweats) through the pores of that material and gives off its heat to the warmer surrounding air.

This is not in conflict with the Second Law of Thermodynamics, because Clausius' statement did not include the term 'spontaneously'. His formulation was: A process whose only final result is to transfer thermal energy from a cooler object to a warmer one, is impossible.

Now, the jar loses water and if not replenished, it will become empty and thus the transfer of heat from the jar to the surrounding air is not the only result of the process. Likewise, if you don't drink water, your sweating body will dry out and die in the end. Thus also here the transfer of heat is not the only result and therefore not in conflict with the conventional definition of the Second Law. Nevertheless, as long as the process lasted, heat indeed did flow spontaneously from a colder to a warmer region. Strangely, this simple fact has never been implemented in modern energy technology - I would like to do it, if I get the chance!

So what is entropy? One thing we can all agree upon is that energy disperses, if it is not hindered to do so - perfect insulation does not exist. This can also be seen as increasing disorder, because, as energy disperses, the molecules involved, move in more chaotic patterns. However, it is true that shuffled cards, or a broken glass on the floor, are rather more chaotic conditions than a dispersion of energy. The confusing point is that one has to do work to restore the original order, not so much work to order the shuffled cards, but basically infinite work to restore the broken glass (without using new materials) to its original condition. This work -Delta Q - disperses in the environment and decays to heat at that environment's temperature T. The according change of entropy: Delta S =Delta Q / T

We are thus talking about closed loop, cycle processes here and if these processes are irreversible (they must be driven by an external source), the applied energy will disperse in the surroundings. The sweating jar and human body constitute irreversible processes, because the evaporated water will not by itself return as liquid to the jar or body - it's an open process. To make it a cycle process, work has to be done and then energy disperses again. Hence, if one sees entropy as a measure for disorder, one actually refers to the work done to restore the original order in a cycle process. If such restoration is not done, the shuffled cards and the broken glass on the floor indeed have nothing to do with entropy. But then, you can do things the easy, or the difficult way and thus the effort needed to restore the original condition, is not a given quantity. Therefore entropy cannot be a measure for disorder.

Is it a measure for the dispersion of energy? If so, then the change of entropy should be independent from whether ideal, or real gases are concerned. On the contrary, real gases behave differently from ideal gases. Unlike ideal gases, real gases do not expand freely at constant temperature, which is known as the Joule-Thomson effect. Most real gases expand at decreasing temperatures, but some do at increasing temperatures. Now somebody tells me how to calculate the change of entropy on this? It is not in my physics books and I have found it nowhere on the web.

Anyway, in the same test set-up, with the same initial temperature, the result of the expansion becomes different, depending whether the expanding gas is an ideal, or a real one. Because the end temperatures are not the same, the change of entropy cannot be the same and this rules out entropy to be a measure for the dispersion of energy!

For me this is the end of entropy as a thermodynamic property of matter AND as a measure for the dispersion of energy, let alone to see entropy as an absolute physical dimension of whatever - what options are left?

Around 100 years ago, one of the greatest scientific genius ever, Ludwig Boltzmann, gave the answer. According to him, entropy is the probability for a given number of micro-states to occur spontaneously, written as S = k•Ln(W) and Delta S = k•Ln(W1/W2) where W stands for probability ('Wahrscheinlichkeit' in German language) and k is Boltzmann's constant.

My more simple formulation is: the probability to predict a certain object to be at a certain time in a certain place. In fact this means DISORDER again, but now we can accept it, because entropy is about probability and not about a physical property of matter. In Boltzmann's formula the terms of energy and temperature do not occur, but mind my argumentation above - it takes work to restore order, just that this work is not of a given amount - do it the easy, or the difficult way (f.ex. filling a bottle with water, using a cup, or a funnel).

Also mind that Boltzmann's formula is valid under the condition of spontaneity only, in contrast to Clausius' formulation, where spontaneity is not a condition for entropy (his 'luck', otherwise the sweating body would invalidate the Second Law). There are no spontaneous reversible processes in the real world (an indefinitely oscillating spring, is an ideal one).

Open systems always involve irreversible processes, by which energy disperses and that only means that the quality of this energy (its density) becomes less. The lowest possible quality is when this energy cannot be recovered any more, as is when thermal energy decays to heat at ambient temperature. If the source quality is low, we can't lower it much more and thus we won't be able to make much use of it. The larger the difference between source quality and that of the drain, or sink (the surroundings, or environment) is, the more useful work we can get out of it, meaning a higher efficiency of the process of consideration.

With entropy as a measure for probability, we can now introduce the notions of high and low entropy sources. High entropy sources give a low probability for efficient usage and low entropy sources give a high probability for it. In this context we can see entropy as a measure for the quality of energy, though it is NOT a physical property of energy. Energy is simply energy, regardless its quality, just like a banana remains a banana, whether it is the only one on your table, or one of many on the tree.

With entropy as a measure for the quality of energy, we have a useful tool to judge the viability of certain projects. If we take wind energy for example, it has a low quality (low density), close to that of the environment and so the efficiency of converting it to high density energy (electrical power) becomes very low - it is a high entropy source. Likewise with solar energy that is widely spread in the environment and thus has a low quality. Likewise with energy from biomass, the source of which is widely spread vegetation. We have to do a lot of work to bring it in the location of usage and to prepare it into a useable form (increase its quality) and so the overall efficiency becomes very low. Fuels on the other hand, have a high energy density, stored in chemical, or nuclear form - they are low-entropy sources. This is why we can make high efficient use of them and that gives the economical viability.

The only natural low-entropy source that solar energy provides, is that of hydro-electric power. The solar energy collects water from wide areas (like the oceans) through rain into a high reservoir of limited size (increase of energy density), thus providing a low-entropy source, that we can make efficient use of. Does the water in that reservoir 'have' a low entropy? One could say that, but it has nothing to do with the physical properties of the water. Once it has fallen down, passed throug the turbine(s) and flown away from there, one could in the same manner say that it has got a high entropy then, but it is still the same water.

Boltzmann's formula simply says that the probability to find a certain water molecule in a certain place at a certain moment was higher in the reservoir, than it is in the stream that flows out from the turbine(s). The same could be said from a tiny fish in that water. Indeed, increased disorder, but that is not the essence of entropy, just an effect of it.

Different it is with the potential energy that was converted to heat and mechanical energy in the turbine(s). This was solar energy, that evaporated the original water from mainly the oceans and let it rain into the reservoir. Had it not done that, it would have been just as spread out in Nature as it becomes in and after the turbine(s) - also the mechanical energy will finally decay to heat at ambient temperature.

Thus is terms of dispersion of energy, the total change of entropy was zero - nothing has changed for planet Earth as a whole. In terms of probability, the entropy has increased, but also this has no meaning for planet Earth. It had meaning for us though, as we needed that mechanial energy to make electricity at a reasonable price.

This is what entropy is all about, nothing more!

Finally, being a thermo-engineer myself, I can tell you that no engineer has to know a thing about entropy, to enable him/her to design a thermo machine. Fortunately, because most engineers have only a vague idea of what entropy is and so they can ignore the subject in their work, as James Watt did for example (think!).


Monday, November 2, 2009

How to Learn to Speak Spanish By Segun Ling

Segun Ling

Spanish is one of the most popular languages in the world and because of that a lot of people are usually interested in learning how to speak it. But the problem most people usually have is that they do not how to learn it and this can be very frustrating. The good news though is that there are several ways to learn how to speak Spanish some of which are available online and some of which are available offline. This article would look at some of the ways to learn How to learn to speak Spanish.

One of the ways to learn to speak Spanish is by going to a local college, the good thing about this method is that if you go to a good one you might actually receive a certificate at the end of the program but if you are just looking to learn how to speak a little about the language this method might not be for you, you are better off learning by yourself of getting someone who knows Spanish to teach you.

For those people who do not have any local colleges near them or do no have the time to go to an actual college because of work or other commitments, you can enrol for online classes which is now offered by a lot of schools. This method is good because you can do it from the comfort of your home or your computer.

Another way to learn how to speak Spanish, is through the use of audios some of which are available free on the internet and some of which you have to pay for, audios are good because you would be able to hear how the various words are pronounced and if you are someone who likes to listen and learn you can put it on your ipod or mp3 player and listen to it as you go to work or school or wherever you want to go. This method can sometimes be frustrating especially if you get stuck trying to pronounce some words as they would be no one to help you.

Language learning software is another way to learn to speak Spanish and this one just usually requires a one time fee for you to download it to your computer and if you get a good one it would also come with games, audios as well as transcripts. The good thing about this method is that you can use the software wherever you are and however you want as long as you have your computer with you, but this method requires a lot of commitment if you are going to learn how to speak it as they would be no teacher or exams to pressure you to learn it.

All in all, there are several other ways to learn to speak Spanish like hiring a personal tutor or through immersion. But whichever way you decide to use, just ensure that you are committed and dedicated to learning how to speak it and you should have no problems.


My Prized Objects By Jeff Stats

Jeff Stats

In our material age almost everything can be bought and sold. Thus, it is very important to not get overwhelmed with a great variety of choices we are offered. It is essential to find joy in ordinary things that surround us. People tend to buy things for the sake of possessing them and acquiring some desired social status. There are those things however that become an essential part of our life without which we can hardly imagine our ordinary day. For some people it is a morning cup of coffee, favorite CD, or a computer. I am not an exception and have my own favorite things that make my life easier, colorful and generally more enjoyable. At this period of life I have found my own favorite things. I am happy to know what they mean to me because it indicates that I know myself which is very important in a person’s life. If one does not know priorities it is impossible to know what makes a person happy. It makes it hard to enjoy life.

My most useful and functionally important possession is my cell phone. From early morning till late afternoon I can not be reached through my house phone. Therefore, my cell phone is the only thing that keeps me in contact with my friends, family, and my colleagues from work. Besides its connecting function it also serves as a notebook and a calendar which maintains my schedule as close to my plans as possible. It reminds me of important meetings and events, allows excess to the internet through which I can check my mail and even messages on my home phone if I am away for a long time. In one word my cell phone is a lot of things to me built-in a small black carcass. If I desperately needed money I wouldn’t sell it!

Most people would agree that a watch is a very functional thing as well. To me, though, it does not serve as a mere time showing device. First of all it is memory of my eighteenth birthday. It’s not a matter of an expensive watch that I truly like, it is rather the sense of my family being close to me. It is the remembrance of the good times spent in my family house, my carefree childhood and my parents always there for me. Being away from home is not always easy and family ties are very important to me. This watch is some sort of a medium keeping my thoughts positively bound with those times and warm relationships with my loved ones. This way of thinking helps me to get through harsh times in my life with less pain and stress. My watch brings all the good feelings I need to experience to feel loved and remembered, to feel happy.

Another thing that makes my time meaningful and memorable is my camera. It is my major hobby that gets almost all of my free time. It has been nearly three years ago when I got my Nikon F65, half-professional camera that makes high quality pictures. At that time it was just something to do; now it is a way to express myself, cultivate and expend my creativity. My camera is often my best friend as it understands me without a word spoken and reflects my moods and desires perfectly on the film. All of the important events and things I want to remember are never forgotten, and are saved in my photo albums and picture frames. The walls at my place bear all of the memorable moments of my life, the happiest moments that I always want to remember. Those good things are much better seen through the camera lenses, it catches all the best that this world has to offer, it proves that life is beautiful.

All of the objects described previously are very material and can be easily bought in almost any store. The thought of ever selling them never crossed my mind, only if I go completely broke it would improve my financial condition, otherwise I cannot imagine my life without them. They complete my existence and make it meaningful. They add up to my personality and help me to understand my priorities and interests in life. Many people get used to some material things and would not even consider giving them up even if they got something better instead. Most of those people can not clearly explain their zeal for these things. Luckily, I am not one of those people. I have discovered what those important things are and what they mean to me. They mean that I have found my own way to be happy and discovered joy in simple things.


Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Unique Art of Attractive Enamel Inlay in Silver By Anita Satin Choudhary

Anita Satin Choudhary

For over two centuries now Russian artists have been creating the exquisite beauty with silver inlay and boldly colorful enamels. Russia has yet to have been beat for the silver and enamel art works created by them. A second highly used method is the 'Cloisonnes' method. In this method of the enamel application, sections of the art is devised by very thin wires applied were desired and the enamel is then applied between the sections of wiring on the top of the artwork. The 'Filigree' method of enamel applications is also done with small silver wire applications, but they are slightly a more detailed design of wired meshing upon the artwork. The technique of enamel has a historical story itself worth telling.

For over two centuries now Russian artists have been creating the exquisite beauty with silver inlay and boldly colorful enamels. The Russian artists whom continue today in passing on down their specially skilled expertness, with the world's acknowledgment of being number one in their craft. Russia has yet to have been beat for the silver and enamel art works created by them. Brightly colorful Enamel was added for the extra beauty of various types of silver art work by Russian artists long ago and have since then, created several methods in how these two artist materials can be manipulated into true beauty.

One of the most common methods is the 'Champleve' form of creative manipulation. In this method, there will first be grooves made into the artwork. Then the durable and brightly colored enamels are applied within the grooves, making the object of silver even more desirable to the eye. A second highly used method is the 'Cloisonnes' method. In this method of the enamel application, sections of the art is devised by very thin wires applied were desired and the enamel is then applied between the sections of wiring on the top of the artwork. The 'Filigree' method of enamel applications is also done with small silver wire applications, but they are slightly a more detailed design of wired meshing upon the artwork.

After a copper base application, the powder enamel is compressed by layers on top of the copper base and then fired.

Although the Russians artistically have cornered the market in their specialties of styles and creations, inlay work within silver, copper, stone, pottery, wood and other materials have been inlaid with ivory, precious stones and enamel throughout time. With the help of cultural archaeologically many styles of inlay artworks have been discovered within various cultures like China, Greece, Roman civilizations, France, Italy and several other European civilizations, dating back many centuries ago.

The technique of enamel has a historical story itself worth telling. Enamel has mainly been a production of the European countries including Russia, but within the past, the expense of enamel made many artists throughout Europe create this type of artistic works for the highest elite only. Through out the past enamel started to be used less often in many parts of the world, enamel is said by some to be 'saved' by the Russian artists for their concurring enamel usage on so many of their artworks. Thus, making enamelart more common for all to enjoy.


Choosing An Ultraviolet (UV) Water System For Your Home By C. Reid Thornley B.Sc.

C. Reid Thornley B.Sc.

Ultraviolet (UV) water disinfection equipment has become commonplace in many rural homes across the USA, Canada, and the rest of the world. Through water testing many homeowners discover that their water is contaminated most commonly with Coliform bacteria but occasionally with more dangerous e.coli. It’s at this point that most people choose to go with an ultraviolet (UV) water system to solve their problem. The trouble is, there are many manufacturers and models to choose from – so which one should you choose?

Having a water source contaminated with bacteria can be a scary problem for a homeowner to tackle. The first step that most people take is to consult anybody and everybody who has anything to do with home water systems. This often means a conversation with the plumber. While there are some plumbers who are well versed in the world of water treatment, most only sell and install the stuff when their existing customers demand it. Asking the plumber for advice on which UV system you should use to protect you and your family is akin to asking him which models his local wholesaler keeps in stock. To be clear, most plumbers when asked about a UV system will go back to their wholesaler and find out what models the wholesaler has on the shelf. This can be a real mixed bag. Some wholesalers will have high-quality products and some will carry the cheapest brand they can find.

Often, the next step that a consumer takes is to speak with the local water treatment shop. Typically, these stores will carry higher quality products with many more bells and whistles available. Often the prices are very high, and it can be difficult to figure out which features are worth the money.

It’s up to you, the consumer, to arm yourself with the information you need to make an informed decision. The rest of this article will help to educate you on the ins and outs of UV disinfection to help you make a smart choice.


Manufacturers of electronics do a great job of presenting consumers with so many technical details about their products that it obscures some of the most important details. Lamp wattage is certainly one of these often-overlooked specs. The performance of a UV system, and the level of protection that it affords, has first and foremost to do with the power of the UV lamp being used. An ultraviolet (UV) lamp is a specialized fluorescent lamp very similar to the kind you use to light your home. The higher the wattage of the UV lamp, the brighter it is. A brighter lamp delivers more UV intensity and it provides a higher level of protection. Period. Don’t mistake system wattage for lamp wattage. Some inefficient UV systems will use a low power lamp but the power supply that drives the lamp may be a higher wattage. You must find out the lamp wattage. Another word of caution – different ultraviolet (UV) system manufacturers will use different lamp technologies. You may find an 8 gallon per minute system made by manufacturer X uses a 3-foot long lamp while manufacturer Y uses a 2-foot long lamp and calls their system a 12 gallon per minute system. How can the shorter lamp deliver higher performance? Simple. Better technology. Lamp size has nothing to do with performance. Again, wattage is king.


If you’re thinking about a home UV water system it’s usually because you have bacteria in your well or you’re concerned that you might in the future. For this reason, you need to know if your UV system is working or not. There are several different features offered by most UV system manufacturers to help you know if your system is functioning properly. The first and most basic is an audio/visual performance indicator. Any UV system that you’re considering should have an indicator light that tells you if your system is in failure. This should be accompanied by an audio alarm that sounds if the system fails. Since many ultraviolet (UV) light water systems are installed in the basement, make sure the audio alarm is loud enough that you can hear it on your main living level. The audio/visual indicator will tell you if you’ve had a mechanical failure of the system. Basically, it will tell you if your lamp or power supply have failed. Some more sophisticated systems will provide you with a code indicating which component has failed. This can make troubleshooting and fixing your UV water system far more straightforward. If you are going to be performing the maintenance and upkeep of the system yourself, this is a feature that could be of great value.

The next level of performance monitoring is a system that includes an ultraviolet (UV) sensor, sometimes called a UV monitor. Think of a UV sensor as an electronic eye that stares at the UV lamp. If for any reason the “eye” does not receive enough UV light it will trigger an alarm. Reasons for a UV sensor alarm include a dirty sleeve, poor incoming water quality, or an old UV lamp. UV sensor technology is not inexpensive and if you choose a model with a sensor expect to pay several hundred dollars more than a similar capacity model without a sensor. It’s important to note that a system with a sensor is typically much more finicky than a non-sensor system. That is, the unit will do much more beeping and alarming than a system without a sensor. For some people, especially those with dangerously contaminated water, this is a good thing. For people who are buying a UV system as a precautionary measure, this might be an annoyance. One last note about ultraviolet sensors – some applications in some jurisdictions require that you have one. If your water system is considered “public” in any way, shape, or form you probably need to have a UV water system with a sensor and/or an NSF certification.


In the world of ultraviolet (UV) water systems there are two groups – NSF Certified and non-certified systems. The NSF is an organization that performs testing of water disinfection equipment including ultraviolet (UV) systems. A manufacturer can send their system to NSF and pay to have them test it to their standards. Systems that pass then carry the NSF-Certified mark. So, how does NSF do their testing? Simply stated, in order for a UV system to pass the NSF testing it must deliver a high level of UV disinfection performance, and must sound an audible/visible alarm if that level of performance is compromised. In order for the system to accomplish this it needs to have by default a UV sensor and a flow restrictor. NSF Certified UV systems are most typically installed in public water situations such as community centers, churches, schools, etc. Some states, however, demand that any UV system installed in any situation must be NSF certified. These states are California, Iowa, Massachusetts, and Wisconsin. In all other states it is rare to have an NSF certified system installed on a private residential water supply.


The only thing to mention about the warranty on UV systems that differ from some other products is that some manufacturers offer pro-rated warranties. So, if the manufacturer states that they offer a 10-year warranty and your system breaks after 5 years, some UV system manufacturers will sell you a new power supply for half price while others will replace it for free. Avoid pro-rated warranties where possible. Keep in mind that it’s much more common to have a UV lamp or power supply burn out prematurely than it is to have the chamber spring a leak.


There are a few manufactures of UV systems that offer products that can be serviced without tools. This is a major plus for the homeowner who is going to be maintaining the system himself. Keep in mind that you will want to remove the quartz sleeve for cleaning periodically and will have to remove the lamp once a year to change it. Some UV systems make it very easy to remove the lamp but nearly impossible to remove the quartz sleeve without breaking it. A broken sleeve is an expense and a major inconvenience – you won’t be able to turn the water back on until it’s been replaced.


Thursday, October 29, 2009

College Planning: Education IRA or 529 Plan? By Frank Rodriguez

Frank Rodriguez

With the costs of college rising at a rate that is twice the rate of inflation, college planning has become more critical than any time in the past. Whether you plan to have your kids go to a community college, and then transfer to a four-year college or go directly to a four-year college it's going to be costly. Thankfully, there have been resent plans set up, so that you can save for the rising costs associated with college. Both the Education IRA (Coverdell ESA) and the 529 plans offer good ways to save for college.

The Education IRA, or Coverdell ESA, is one of the simplest ways to save and find a child's education. The Education IRA acts similarly to a basic IRA, in that you are limited in the amount of contribution you can make within a given year. Also, there are income restrictions, so if you make over a certain amount of money each year (currently $110,000) you are not eligible for Education IRA contributions. The Coverdell Education IRA is a great tool when saving for college over time. Obviously, contributing $2000 a year for four years isn't going to fund your child's complete education. This is why starting in Education IRA as early as possible makes all the difference in the world. We know that from financial planning basics that time is the most important factor in achieving our financial goals, investment return is secondary. When it comes to selecting investments within an Education IRA, you can choose just about any investment style or asset allocation, these IRA's offer little investment restriction.

Much like the Education IRA, the 529 plan is designed to help with the rising tuition costs associated with a college education. When you set up a 529 plan, its ownership is set up in your name, and not that of the beneficiary. This can be particularly attractive, and that the beneficiary can be changed in the future. You may have a child that does not end up attending college, for what ever reason. This puts the control in your hands, where it belongs. When it comes to setting up a 529 plan, you will have to check with your specific state, as these are state driven plans. You are, however, required to set up a 529 plan with your specific state. You can search the different states to find the most attractive 529 plan. It is important to note, however, that some states offer tax incentives for contributions. Unfortunately, not all states offer this at this time. Regardless of state, withdrawals for qualified education are completely free from tax. This isn't just limited to fancy qualified colleges, many trade schools qualify as well.

The 529 plan offers a few more bells and whistles that the Education IRA does not. Most notably, the amount of money you can contribute to a 529 plan is quite a bit greater than that of Coverdell individual retirement accounts. This can be rather important if you start saving for college late. Current limits are set at
Adversely, you'll have less investment selection within a 529 plan, though, most 529 plans offer an adequate selection of mutual funds to choose from.

Choosing between the Education IRA and the 529 plan may seem complicated. If you're starting early and don't.can't afford to put large amounts away, the Education IRA may be the logical choice, as the 529 plan typically comes with a higher cost to operate. If you're getting a late start and would like to contribute larger amounts the 529 plan may be a good fit. The important thing to remember here, is to do something, indecision will just cost you the most valuable key to saving-- time. When selecting a 529 plan. It is always advisable to go over it with your financial advisor, he/she should be up to date on state specific information and 529 plan choices.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Stressed For College Success? Seven Key Sources of Stress For Students By Elisabeth Kuhn

Elisabeth Kuhn

It's tough being a student. You're busy learning to live on your own, balancing the demands of friends and relationships and on top of that – you're expected to study! Learning how to balance these various demands is vital to your academic performance, so take the time to learn how to manage stress effectively. The following are some of the key sources of stress that students have identified in recent studies of students attending colleges and universities around the nation:

1. Time Management

Time management was frequently rated as the biggest stress factor for students involved in post secondary education. Many students just aren’t equipped with the skills it takes to manage their various responsibilities. If you're someone who spends too little time studying – or someone who's often distracted by extracurricular activities – look for programs on campus designed to teach you better time management skills.

2. Setting Priorities

Balancing all the various obligations that college life entails and setting good priorities is another source of stress identified by many of students involved in the studies. With all the clubs, activities and athletic events going on, it can be hard for many students to balance the things they want to do with the things they need to do – like studying and working part-time. Many students in the studies commented that they felt like they were always “on the run” between different activities.

3. Financial Stability

Worrying about money and financial stability was identified as another key source of stress for students. And it makes sense – college tuition bills are constantly increasing and extra expenses like books and materials add up quickly. Students with homes and families to support are most likely to feel the pinch, but even students with no financial obligations can find it difficult to balance all the monetary obligations without stress.

4. Family Expectations

Family – you can't live with them and you can't live without them. Many students are surprised to find that the stress from family expectations follows them, even after they leave the nest to attend college. Some students are only attending school to please individuals in their family, while others may be attending school to prepare for a career that their families aren’t pleased with. Either of these situations – as well as many others – can be stressful for students who are already dealing with heavy coursework, and financial and social responsibilities.

5. Personal relationships

Finding yourself wrapped up in a college romance can be exciting, but intimate relationships can take a toll on already stressed out college students. Many students interviewed in these studies expressed concerns over how difficult it is to maintain their academic performance while in a serious relationship. On the other hand, many students claimed that having a significant other that appreciated the hard work and dedication involved in going to school was a net positive – your success really depends on how committed you are to balancing these different responsibilities.

6. Campus Crime

Being away from home for the first time can be scary – so it's perfectly reasonable that campus crime would be another source of stress for students. Crime statistics can be especially daunting if your campus has recently experienced a series of attacks or burglaries. If you live in an unsafe neighborhood or attend a college with a poor safety record, take appropriate precautions like not walking alone at night and locking up your room when you leave. You may also want to consider renters insurance if break-ins are a problem in your area.

7. Future Uncertainty

Anyone who's attended college has heard the dreaded question at least one hundred times – 'So what are you going to do when you graduate?' The scary thing is, no one really knows what they're going to do, unless they're one of the lucky few with job offers lined up and waiting for them. If you're feeling anxiety over your future plans, take a deep breath and try to let go of some of your stress. Uncertainty is a part of life, so worry less and try to enjoy the ride.


Monday, October 26, 2009

Golf Get Away Vacations a Dream Vacation For Golf Lovers By Smiley Webb

Smiley Webb

Most of America’s more popular golf resorts reside in the Sun Belt, where weather is accommodating for outdoor activities for most months throughout the year. More adults are planning their vacations to destinations that cater to some serious golf. These resorts are geared toward providing a great vacation experience for everyone, from the advanced golfer to the weekender to families.

Most golf resorts include hotels with great amenities such as swimming pools, day spas and fine dining. Resorts that do not have a golf course on the premises normally provide free travel to and from the popular golf courses in the area. At many of these resorts, special golf packages can be purchased which will include room, green fees and sometimes dining packages similar to the Las Vegas get away gambling packages offered all the time. Golf get away vacations are becoming the vacation of choice.

Florida is America’s most popular golf vacation destination. In addition to more than 1,000 golf courses available for public play, Florida’s beaches and popular vacation attractions, such as Disney World, make the state a very attractive option. Among the most popular courses available for play in Florida are Bay Hill, Championsgate, the TPC at Sawgrass and the many Disney courses.

Because of sunshine and warm weather nearly year around, Arizona has also become a popular destination for golf vacations. Golfers are also attracted to the many desert courses in Arizona that give them a different course perspective than they can get back home. Some of the more popular courses to play in Arizona are the TPC of Scottsdale, Sedona Golf Resort, The Legacy Golf Resort and Camelback Golf Club.

Both Northern and Southern California offer golf destinations that provide an enjoyable round of golf in some of the world’s most beautiful locales. In Northern California, only an hour from San Francisco, the Monterey Peninsula is home to the world famous Pebble Beach Golf Links and Spyglass Hill. In Southern California, the San Diego has many courses to choose from, including La Jolla, Palm Springs and Ranch Bernardo.

Southern Charm comes alive in South Carolina, and this state has also become a very popular destination for golfers. The city of Charleston offers several nice courses including Wild Dunes Resort and River Towne Country Club. Hilton Head, SC is home to Harbour Town and Ocean Sea Pines. Myrtle Beach, SC includes Pawley’s Island, Legends, the TPC of Myrtle Beach and Tidewater.

Finally, Hawaii is one of America’s favorite vacation spots, with its tropical beaches and majestic volcanoes. Hawaii is also home to some of the best and most beautiful golf courses in the world. On the island of Oahu, you can find popular courses such as Ko'Olina, Coral Creek and the Hawaii Prince Golf Club at Ewa Beach. On the popular and beautiful tropical paradise of Maui, you can find two of the most popular courses anywhere: the Kapalua Plantation Course and Pukalani.


Sunday, October 25, 2009

How a Good Study Guide Helps By Gene Grzywacz

Gene Grzywacz

Today there are a plethora of resources for students preparing to take a particular exam. The question then becomes how to choose the right study guide and how they can help. Some students discount the fact that study guides are proven to increase grades, promote concentration and give tips for test taking. Not all study guides are made equally though and the student should strive to find the best one possible.

Depending on the type of exam will determine the type of study guide that the student needs. If it is a particular exam such the SAT or other college entrance exam there are several to choose from. One of the important factors that students should keep in mind is the fact that the test material must be covered, but the study guide must prepare the individual as well. Several of the study guides only address the information on the test, not the actual preparation of the student. Granted the content of the test is important, but the mental preparation of the student is equally important.

A good study guide will walk a student through the information and also give them some test taking hints that can help them have a positive experience. Tips such as rest before the test, proper nourishment, and concentration should all be addressed. Though many of us believe that we already know some of this information it is important to have those little tips and tricks with us when taking a test. After all many of these tests carry large price tags for us!

The most frequently asked question about testing is what to expect and what type of information is on the test. The unknown seems to be the most anxiety causing factor when taking a test. The student doesn’t know whether the test is difficult, tricky or not too bad. Though a study guide will not give detailed information about the test, there are practice questions and other information that will help the student understand what’s in store for them on the big day.

Practice tests are a great way to determine whether or not a student is ready for an exam. Some students assume that they are ready and go in to bomb the test, while others feel that they need tons more preparation, yet ace the test. This is a good way to get a feel for the test and address the areas that the student needs to work harder. For example, if a student is taking a multi-part exam they may test and find that only one area needs more preparation. This saves time and allows the student to focus on the weak areas of the test.

One of the least favorites of a study guide is the practice reading. This part may not be fun, but it is very effective and here is why. Students have a habit of speed reading or skimming the surface of the paragraph, book or excerpt. This is a bad habit because not only is critical information missed, but also the student is likely to score poorly on the questions about the reading. This part of the study guide helps the student slow down their reading and helps them practice their skills of identifying what is important in the reading. Practice makes perfect and the more we read, the more that we get out of it.

The writing practice of the study guide is another great way to prepare for an upcoming exam. Taking a topic and building an outline and essay around it is a good way to be prepared for what ever the test may throw your way. Not only do practicing writing skills help beef up the old skills, it also helps the student put their thoughts on paper. Sometimes with computers, word processors and other technological advances in society individuals come to rely on them, therefore allowing their skills to slip. This can be seen with employees, students, workers and the general populations writing skills. When we do not use our writing skills our grammar, spelling and punctuation suffer. So the practice does us good and helps us prepare for the writing portion of any test.

A good study guide helps the student prepare in every way for the exam. It is important that a student take advantage of any opportunity to improve themselves or their grades. Study guides are meant to be used as tools, help set goals and improve the confidence level of the student. Without all of these things students will not perform as well as they possibly could have. Take an opportunity to find a great study guide and start studying early.


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Reading Fluency Activities Are Critical Skills For Young Children to Learn By Jon Kelly

Jon Kelly

One of the most critical learning skills that children will learn in their early education is learning how to read. An expert once noted that in the early education years, children are taught to learn to read, but in later years children will read to learn. Consider how much time was spent during school and through homework time reading workbooks, textbooks and various types of information that the teacher provided or wrote on the chalkboard for the class. Kids who do not develop their reading skills with adequate reading fluency activities, will most likely find themselves at a significant disadvantage in other subjects such as social studies, math and science. Because reading is a core academic skill, it is very essential that educators and parents develop reading fluency activities and strategies that work with their kids.

Before Reading Fluency Activities

Reading fluency activities that are successful begin to work before a student ever opens a single book. By studying the title of a book, a student readers can begin to make thoughtful predictions about the subject and story line of the book. Students might start to consider what an author’s purpose was in creating and writing the story. By scanning the pages of the story, students can look for various clues about what the plot might be about as well as getting a better idea of how the story is written. These early reading fluency activities can help to prepare a reader for what is about to happen in the story, and may also help a reader to think about what the plot of the story will involve before even a single word has been read.

During Reading Fluency Activities

The next phase of reading fluency activities that are successful occurs when the story or book is actually read. During this process, students will have learn how to improve their ability to recognize unfamiliar words, understand new vocabulary and then proceed with actually reading through the text. Students will sometimes be asked the best way to resolve a conflict that is occurring in the story, or perhaps be asked to predict the possible outcomes of a particular situation. There might be time for rereading certain parts of the text which might be necessary for better story clarification and comprehension of the text.

After Reading Fluency Activities

One activity that many readers don’t truly realize the true benefits of, is reading fluency activities after the story has been read. This activity allows students to actually digest what have been read. This activity might include actually quizzing students on the comprehension details or it could simply be discussing how the story made them feel or maybe why they didn’t like a character.

By using sound reading fluency activities and finding which one works best for an individual student, teachers and parents can help their students to become the best readers possible. And in the end, readers will make for better overall students.


Friday, October 23, 2009

Student Stress and Academic Performance: Seven Ways in Which Too Much Stress Can Affect Your Grades By Elisabeth Kuhn

Elisabeth Kuhn

You've probably been hearing the same mantra since elementary school - if you don't get good grades, you won't get into a good college, you won't get a good job and you'll end up living like a bum on the street...

All joking aside, your academic performance really does affect what fields you can go into and what type of job you can hold in the future. After all, you wouldn't expect a straight-D student to get into medical school - nor would you want them to. However, whether you're in high school, college, or graduate school, constantly dealing with stress can have a big impact on your overall academic success in any of the following ways:

1. Stress Affects Your Health

Stress suppresses your immune system, which causes increased susceptibility to bugs and viruses, as well as chronic health problems like headaches and upset stomach. It doesn't take a Harvard graduate to tell you that if you're sick, you won't be able to give 100% to your classes. You may not feel up to studying or you could suffer further from missing classes. If stress is causing physical symptoms, it's time to consult a professional therapist or stress management consultant.

2. Stress Affects Memory Retention

Students who experience large amounts of stress in their lives often have trouble with memory retention. When you're stressed, you're more likely to forget the facts and figures presented in class, and you'll be less likely to successfully recall this information on tests, labs and on real life applications. Obviously, this is a problem for anyone who wants to do well in college, so try to identify and remedy the causes of stress in your life if you find you're forgetting more than you retain from your classes.

3. Stress Causes Anxiety

Students who face a tremendous amount of stress may also suffer from anxiety - ranging from mild cases of worry to severe, can't-leave-the-house cases of nerves. If you're suffering from anxiety at any level, you'll find that you can't focus as well on your school work or on other aspects of student life like extra-curricular activities and personal relationships.

4. Stress Affects Your Judgment

Stress has a definite impact on student judgment. Some students will turn to illegal drugs, prescription medications or binge-drinking in order to escape from the affects of stress. However, turning to drugs and alcohol doesn't erase the source of your stress - it only adds more. Substance abuse is a serious problem, so if you find yourself pouring a glass or four of wine each night to help you wind down, it's time to seek professional guidance.

5. Stress Compromises Your Future Outlook

Stress can turn an ambitions, driven student into one who's nervous and unsure about the future. It's easy to feel overwhelmed when you have a test Monday, a paper due on Wednesday and a major lab on Friday - but don't let the little things affect your drive for success. If you find yourself thinking that there's no way you'll get everything done, try breaking large tasks down into smaller pieces and tackle them one bit at a time.

6. Stress Affects Your Self-Esteem

Students who feel overwhelmed by stress may experience feelings of guilt and hopelessness, causing their self-esteem to falter. If you've dropped the ball on your academic work, it's easy to feel like you'll never get back on track - but don't think like this! If you get too caught up in your recent stumbles, you'll lose track of all the positive strides you've made in your studies. Remind yourself of all the good things you've accomplished so far and find small, concrete ways to get back on the right path.

7. Stress Can Lead to Mental Health Problems

It's easy to let the competing academic and personal priorities of being a student get the better of you as a student, and it can become difficult to see outside all this stress. As a result, many students - particularly college-aged students - end up dealing with depression or thinking suicidal thoughts. If you're ever feeling that there's no way out of the stress you're under, seek proper care immediately - there are people who understand what you're going through that can help you work through the stress you're dealing with.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fire the Tutor and Free Yourself By Josh Blake

Josh Blake

You have been unhappy with the tutor you hired for your child. Neither have your child’s grades improved, nor has enthusiasm been shown by the tutor you hired. You wonder and worry whether there is an alternative.

Yes, there are. All you need is a computer at home, and an internet connection. Today on the web, you can find thousands of tutors you need. Indeed at one point, this author noted there were more than 2, 00,000 tutor online. Of course not all may suit you, but some will certainly be worth it.

Online tutoring is the newest alternative for those who seek quality tutoring of their children. There are tutors of all kinds, and tutoring agencies of various types; some specialize in one subject alone, and others cater to all subjects. These tutors are located within your own country, and also are from the rest of the world. Your alternatives are not limited; rather, they have grown, instead of the small group of teachers you knew within your own community.

In online tutoring, there are two things to consider. One is whether the other person – the tutor – is fully conversant with the English language and two whether the tutor knows the syllabi of your child’s school. Third, whether that particular tutor or agency has really got the skill set that is required to take hold of your child’s hand, and guide him through the various facets of the subject that he is deficient in.

You can check out these facts by going through some of the sites. Most probably for the English language capability, outside of America and US, the choice would most likely be India. India has a long tradition of learning, on which it places great value, and importantly, the subjects taught are likely to be nearly along the same lines as your child’s school, since the curriculum was set nearly a century ago by its then masters, the British.

Nearly all tutoring sites offer some kind of a trial. Try them out. You can be sure you will find one that will suit your pocket; some of the sites, at least from India, are quite inexpensive, say around $ 15 per hour. And the time difference between America and India helps. When your child has had horsed around enough in the evening, and it’s time to sit down for home work or study, at that time the tutor in India would have had his dinner and be ready for coaching.

Online tutoring, or coaching, entails three things; one, is obviously a computer system, and I am sure your child knows how to manipulate the mouse and use the keyboard, second is a digital pen, and of course something which can be easily provided in a Skype connection. The digital pen is for use on the virtual blackboard that is often used by the tutor and the student, and the Skype connection helps the student to communicate orally with his tutor. The most relevant factor here is that since the tutor is located at a distance, there is a certain degree of restraint on the part of the child and the tutor. Restraint on the part of the child is that he is more likely to be more attentive than when he was being tutored at home.

Another advantage of the system is that if the student comes up against a problem, after his time is up, or he has late night thought about, he can still submit his query to the tutor by email, and the tutor would be able to either post an answer on the mailbox, or can take it up when next they both get together online.

Some facts and figures cannot be converted into words or communicated via language. It requires a diagrammatic representation of the problem. That’s where the digital pen and the virtual blackboard come in. Both the student and tutor can use this to interact together. A more important use of such a system is that the tutor can post questions for the student, and the student can both copy it down or save the board itself, and then answer them one by one, as time permits.

Why India you would certainly ask? Quite a reasonable question; it is a fact today, unpleasant though it may sound to the American or the Englishman, that amongst the largest population which speaks English in the world is based in India. Without pressing the matter further, you too would have read reports that students elsewhere in the English speaking countries are themselves not able to spell simple words, and that their quality of language has gone down. My apologies, but facts are facts.

Please also be warned that that even if some tutor or tutorial agency is from India, that does not mean automatically they are saints. Sorry, there are scamsters everywhere. Therefore caution is also advised even when dealing with people from India especially over the internet. You should ask for and get verification of their ability, their capability as demonstrated by their degrees and certainly, ask for references. Even if the reference given is in a far off place, a telephone call, costing pennies, should show you the truth.

You might like to try out one website which this author has seen They are one of the largest online tutoring service providers in India. They have highly experience tutors and very rich infrastructure. However you shall verify it yourself, by all means make all enquiries. After all it is your money that is on the line, and your child’s academic future is also on the line. There are other websites too, try them out, and choose the best one suited for your child. That is the bottom line I would say, not a site recommended by anybody.

Good Luck to you and good luck to your child.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Reading Comprehension Studies Can Help Build Confidence at Work By Jon Kelly

Jon Kelly

Reading Comprehension Studies At eMints

No matter what line of work you are in, a large part of your life may be spent reading. Between newspapers, email, websites, textbooks, user manuals, novels, and magazines there are so many words out there needing to be read. This is why reading comprehension studies are essential, especially for children. It is important to hone your skills so that you can more efficiently do your job and be informed. Reading comprehension studies do not have to end when you leave school.

Building Confidence In Reading Can Help Job Performance

For many people, reading can be a struggle and even intimidating. This is an obstacle that can impact everyday life. Without the ability to comprehend and assess the written word, performance can be compromised and potential for job advancement is limited. It is important to pursue reading comprehension studies to develop new skills and improve existing ones. Building confidence in reading can improve job performance and leisure time. There are many websites that present strategies for reading comprehension studies, and here is the profile of one remarkable website for people who need to improve their skills for free.

Reading Comprehension Studies Without A Tutor

There are many options available for adults wishing to pursue reading comprehension studies, depending on what your goals are. One option is hiring a tutor who specializes in reading skills. They can help establish a guided reading program geared towards the areas that you need help in. However, tutors can be expensive and the Internet provides a variety of other options. One website that feels learning should be available to everyone is eMints. They can help provide reading comprehension studies for anyone who wants to improve upon their skills.

Reading Resources At eMints

The website provides free access to a wide variety of files and lessons that target different types of reading comprehension studies and strategies through the eMints National Center. They have plans available for all reading levels beginning with students in grades one through twelve. They also have information and materials available ranging from reading comprehension, KWL, story mapping, reading quests, worksheets, and general reading comprehension studies. No matter what your reading problem, there are resources available on eMints to help you improve. Since these are all available free of charge, the public can use as many lessons as they need to reach a point where they feel proud of their reading skills.

Free Reading Comprehension Studies And Strategies

Reading comprehension studies and programs should be available to anyone, no matter what their income. The eMints National Center makes that possible. If you are interesting in developing your reading skills, whether for work or pleasure, you can visit eMints National Center at and browse the free reading comprehension studies and strategies they have available. More information is available at their website. Reading skills should never limit you from performing your best at work. Utilize this and other Internet options to take the first step to improve your reading skills.


A Reputable Golf School Leads to a Reputable Career By Andy West

Andy West

Whenever the term golf school is mentioned, many assume it is a place where everyone simply plays golf all day. However, such an institution is the essential foundation for starting a long lasting career in golf. Accredited two year curriculums allow graduates to walk away with a degree in golf course management or even golf instruction.

Accredited curriculums mean that a program has been put together by certified golf professionals and then offered up for approval by legitimate state and federal agencies. Once this is done, a school has the approval to start taking on students. Accredited degrees are those that will be recognized by employers as valid and legitimate.

A love of golf is no longer enough to land a career in the field and rarely does any type of company hire individuals off the street to do a job anymore. A prospective employee who has spent time in the classroom learning the ins and outs of golf course management will have the skills to help take a golf business in the right direction. It is an accredited degree under one's arm that makes it much easier to walk into a long term golf related occupation.

At any rate, golfers are well known for being quite passionate about their favorite sport and that enthusiasm is very quick to carry over into their career. It is suspected that this is a top reason why the sport of golf has mushroomed into a multimillion dollar industry. Rather than take a course in mere management or instruction, individuals can now go to schools that specialize in the area of golf.

It is specialized knowledge that teaches students how to adeptly work with the clientele that is the golfing community. The neat manicured lawns, challenging courses and attention to detail are but a mere physical manifestation of the standard of excellence that is the backbone of the golfing industry. An education in golf helps to maintain the standard and keep it running smoothly and efficiently.

It is not uncommon for an individual to opt for golf school with visions of spending their education out on the course. While some of this may be true, many do not realize the gravity of earning a golf school degree. Students should expect to spend time in the classroom, in computer labs and the library as well.

Getting an education for a golf career is just like going to any other school. Students will find themselves learning the skills they need for their field of study in addition to taking on internships at local golf courses. Those individuals interested in becoming golf instructors are likely to help create and plan golf clinics for every age of player.

Those interested in attending such a venue will be pleased to find financial aid is available to qualifying students as is housing and career planning assistance. Along with finding nearby openings, job placement services can help graduates learn to create a résumé that will be appealing to prospective employers. Some golf schools even offer class rings.

Another bonus of attending these types of schools is the beautiful locations in which they are found. Golf schools are commonly located in states where the weather is conducive to the year round play of the sport. States such as Florida, California and Arizona are often considered prime spots for golf courses and schools.

Once an individual is set to attend golf school, he or she can look forward to having a totally unique learning experience. Completion of the program leads to the beginning of a wonderful career that will be admired by many.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Rigid PVC Sheets In Construction Industry By Alan Matchett

Alan Matchett

PVC is a versatile material and PVC sheets can be produced to meet special application needs. Rigid PVC sheets can, for example, be used as wall cladding, roofing, skylights and partitions in the building construction industry.

One major advantage is that producers can incorporate special properties tailored to meet customized needs through processing the PVC sheets by adding other materials or otherwise. For example, they can be made resistant to chemical corrosion, or translucent to let in natural daylight while at the same preventing harmful UV light.

We look at a few typical construction industry applications of PVC sheets in the sections below.

Wall Cladding Applications

Plastic wall cladding can provide beautiful interiors in colors and patterns suited to selected themes. In places where food is made, stored or served, PVC sheets are ideal in that they do not permit ingrained accumulation of dirt (as timber does), are impermeable to water and dampness and can be cleaned and dried easily.

Hygienic PVC sheets with anti-microbial properties have also been developed, according to some manufacturer claims.

Roofing Applications

Sheets with heat-reflecting exteriors can reflect the sun's heat away from the areas below the roof, leading to a cooler environment. Greenhouses can do with roofs with high light transmission and condensation control properties. Reinforced sheets can provide high strength and excellent insulation in situations where these are critical. There are also lightweight sheets that are specially designed for high strength.

The above illustrations highlight the adaptability of the plastic material to meet different roofing needs in different environments.

Skylights for Large Public Structures

Many modern roofs of large structures have unique characteristics, very different from conventional roofs. Architects come up with specially designed coverings to reflect special themes for such public structures as an Olympic stadium.

PVC sheets and composites can be custom-made to provide needed structural strength and meet the additional special requirements such as unique colors, semi-transparency to let in natural daylight, acoustical insulation and unbreakability.

Partitions in Different Environments

In places with a corrosive chemical environment, ordinary partitions might need frequent replacement and can cause other problems. PVC sheets can be customized to make non-corrosive partitions that have high chemical resistance and fire retardance.

Partitions with high impact strength or suitable for curved walls or with dark colors for hot climates are other examples of tailor-made solutions.

PVC Sheets and Composites Can Deliver the Solution You Want

PVC sheets acquire different kinds of properties when other materials are added or through special kinds of processing. What we get as a result is a material that is tailored to the customized requirements of the context. They also come in attractive colors that can fit your tastes or complement a particular theme.

Yet another advantage is that the products can be designed for easy installation. Even DIYers can handle the smaller installations.


PVC sheets can acquire many kinds of properties such as translucence, chemical resistance, unique colors, heat reflectiveness and so on. This ability makes them ideal solutions for many construction industry applications. PVC sheets and composites are widely used in roofing, walls and wall cladding, skylights and other areas.


Saturday, September 26, 2009

James Joyce And His View Of The Irish People Through His Writing In The 'Dubliners' By Jeff Stats

Jeff Stats

'Dubliners' of James Joyce is a unique work of literature in many senses. The primary outstanding feature of this book lies in the very structure of it. It consists of four major elements, that in turn consist of few stories that are not connected with each other but the reader somehow realizes that they all talk about common things that were present in Irish society at that time. The order of the stories is specifically designed to show the reader how the characters of the book are growing and changing their views and attitudes. Joyce was a master of constructing books in such a way so that he could convey deep meaning to the reader not only through the master theme but also with the help of systematically, almost geometrically organized stories and events. Evidently such approach made possible designing a masterpiece of 'Dubliners' in which fourfold composition was meant to describe people who were born, matured and died in Dublin.

Through the first section of the book James Joyce is portraying childhood. It is interesting to observe that all three stories of the childhood section are told from the first person and we as readers become totally submerged into the world seen through the eyes of ten-year old boys. Such a sincere and receptive tone of the stories communicates the feeling of innocence which is accompanying the heroes. The author thus sees these boys as young people unspoiled by the society outside of their imaginary world. As Joyce says 'I have written it for the most part in a style of scrupulous meanness..'(Gorman v-iv), this line was about 'Dubliners'. Comparing the actual work and this characteristic of the author it becomes evident that indeed his characters are quite boring and subtle in what they do and say. Their images according to Joyce are all the same and that is where the 'paralysis' theme is uncovered.

The first story in 'Dubliners' is 'The sisters' it sets the tone for the entire book. It starts with a quiet depressing line: 'There was no hope for him this time: it was the third stroke.' (Joyce 4). Clearly James Joyce here attempts to tell the reader what he thinks of citizens of his native city altogether. Such sad beginning can hardly lead to the positive ending, as we see it happen in the end of the book. In this short story the author shows how the world of adults and childhood is clashing and how the two can barely understand each other. So a little boy who finds out about his friend’s death does not know how to behave in a standard way as adults do. He meets face to face with loss of someone who was dear to him and who truly understood him. This event brings a new realization of how things really are for the boy as he can see the dead priest in a different light. His aunt and Father Flynn’s sister are talking about him: 'He was too scrupulous always, she said.' (Joyce 10) and this new image that is painted by them appears to be somewhat unusual for the boy. That is when he comprehends that he is not a youngster without his own thoughts and ideas, but he perceives himself as an individual. Such change in boy’s perception of the world is crucial as it implies that he will be no longer dreaming like children do but will be immersed in environment where society rules and where religion is a light in the end of the tunnel not a vivid life around them.

Obviously the author is hinting on the general mood of Dublin’s life and its inhabitants. By dramatically depicting death of the priest and gloomy relatives, he gives the reader an illustration of what is happening to the people in the city, especially those religiously inclined. Letting the priest die on the first page of the book, he thus already concludes that religion with its ancient texts does not provide answers to the question of happiness and contentment in life. Irony of 'The Sisters' matures from the idea that the boy was almost in love with the priest and thought of him as authority. When he dies however, it appears that he was going mad. This controversy serves for James as the basis for proving his idea that religious truths have little to do with the real world in most instances. Although the boy believes his friend, he needs to wake up from the perfect dream and meet with reality in which things are not as positive looking as in the sacred Latin texts. 'The Sisters' as the first book out of fifteen in 'Dubliners' demonstrates that Irish society is deeply paralyzed by disagreement between rules that are imposed on its members and process of moral decay that is constantly developing in the city’s streets. Human inability to decide how to live in accordance with their natural wishes concerns the author who is depicting low-spirited people living as if they were waiting to die any minute.

In the second set of stories that Joyce considered adolescence period, 'After the Race' is a significant one for a few reasons. It introduces a group of fellows, representatives from different countries who are somehow united. Clearly the three gentlemen from France and Hungary have found a common ground in their education and interests that they shared. All three of them were foreigners in Dublin and that made them such a unique crowd. Jimmy was with them, although he was too excited by the mere thought of it to actually understand and enjoy things that were happening around him. In this story James Joyce specifically indicates that even young people in his city were poisoned by the perception of wealth and money power, but moreover a social status-class. It is a known fact that social class in Ireland and Great Britain is of great importance and means even more than personal qualities, it is like a verdict which defines personality.

In this story Joyce gives Jimmy, the main character, his father’s money and education that was enough to be elevated in class. It seems that those things would be enough to provide Jimmy with respect and high standing. Ironically, it does satisfy the requirements of the society, but the hero himself cannot agree with his destiny. He is depressed by the fact that he is not that noble and is not born in the aristocratic family like his new French friends. The idea behind this is that he feels oppressed and does not fit into this group of people, although he really wants to appear as equal. Again in the beginning of 'After the Race', Joyce expresses his initial attitude toward people like Jimmy: 'Now and again the clumps of people raised the cheer of the gratefully oppressed'(Joyce 37). This line is characterizing people such as Jimmy, who are willing to be psychologically oppressed if they only are considered a part of the upper-class. The author lets the ready know that Jimmy understands that he is not fitting in and does not have what it takes to be as witty and as clever as his friends, but what matter to him is this: 'He had been seen by many of his friends that day in the company of these Continentals.' (Joyce 39). Such shallow comprehension of happiness is undeniably criticized by James Joyce.

Describing dinner in its outrageous falsity the author stresses how shallow Jimmy’s family as a whole part of the Irish society is. They are proud of their son’s acquaintances only because they have foreign names, and his father even talks to the Hungarian although he is very poor. It is hard to believe that society described by James Joyce in 'Dubliners' wanted to mimic all the 'great' other countries and were losing their own identity as a nation. This was especially well seen from a distance that Joyce was writing his book. He was not in Dublin when he created his masterpiece; being away gave him a different prospective on the city and its residents. Citizens such as Jimmy are caught in paralysis and seem to have no way out, although they are able to control to some events in their lives and avoid troubles. 'He knew that he would regret in the morning but at present he was glad of the rest, glad of the dark stupor that would cover up his folly.' (Joyce 44) that is how Jimmy thinks when he loses game after game on the yacht. He is unable to control himself and can’t stop losing his father’s money. The author does not give explanation, as to why he acts the way he does, but one thing is apparent- he is trapped in a stupor and it is beyond his power to turn around and walk away.

Epiphany that Joyce includes in every story is meant to bring revelation to the heroes if only for a moment and give them the insight on reality of what is happening around them. 'Daybreak, gentlemen!' is such epiphany in Jimmy’s case, who would see that the night has ended with its vicious traps that have captured his mind. By contrasting the daylight with the night’s troubles the author deepens the feeling of deception that the characters are living with.

Third part of the book is meant to contain maturity stage of a person living in Dublin in the middle of the twenty’s century. 'He took up his pen and dipped it in the ink but he continued to stare stupidly at the last words he had written'(Joyce 89) this was the way how many people in the city existed according to James Joyce. Farrington who is a copier is living a pitiful live, he understands that all ingredients of it only enrage him but do not bring satisfaction. He is not a young fellow anymore like those in 'After the Race' and there is hardly any chance that the course of his life will change. This sad circumstance, Joyce intensifies by description of Farrington’s inner rage and violence for people at work, wife and children at home and his general sense of frustration in all spheres of his existence. Obviously such situation is not a rare one even in our modern society, when people are strapped in circumstances that they probably have never envisioned for themselves. The real world appears to be a cruel and difficult place to survive in and such reality hits the hero of 'Counterparts'. Thus he is choosing to hide in the bars with his so called friends drinking himself to unconscious state in which he wishes to stay most of the time seeking escape from his problems.
